
Caterpillar is a header-only C++-17 library. Just add the include directory of caterpillar to your include directories, and you can integrate caterpillar into your source files using

#include <caterpillar/caterpillar.hpp>


We tested building caterpillar on Mac OS and Linux using Clang 6.0.1, GCC 7.3.0, and GCC 8.2.0.

If you experience that the system compiler does not suffice the requirements, you can manually pass a compiler to CMake using:

cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/c++-compiler ..

Building tests

In order to run the tests, you need to init the submodules and enable tests in CMake:

mkdir build
cd build

To enable caterpillar’s features that make use of the open source SAT solver Z3 use:

cmake -DCATERPILLAR_Z3=ON -DZ3_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/z3headers -DZ3_LINK_DIR=/path/to/z3libraries ..